Ortopedia técnica en España y Portugal. Asturias.Ortoibérica
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Tamarack Caps

Tamarack Caps

Tamarack Caps is an option for the design of an AFO or KAFO in which the placement of the joints need not be embedded into the void, but are placed in a fast and simple externally to the structure. Very useful in carbon AFOS, or when thebrace is already made and we want the placement of a ankle joint.

The kit contains: four Tamaracks Caps, attachment hardware, drill guide,Shearban, and screw-nut.

TamarackJoints are sold separately.


Only recommended for large joint flexion (X-8120-003)

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Parque Tecnológico de Asturias
Parcela 1 - 33428 Llanera
Asturias - España
Tel. +34 985 794 800
Fax. +34 985 794 810

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